Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Post 6

After looking through several websites for Leon county schools I realized access to these websites is pretty limited without a student number. The only things I was able to see without an access code were the name of the teacher, subject, and classroom number.  I really loved the way that Lincoln Hugh School set up their websites. Each course has a posted "expectation sheet". This includes the main composition, required readings, and even a citation from the textbook. This was similar to a syllabus. I think this is helpful information when students are making decisions on what classes to register for next. 
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One way that I plan on using technology in my classroom is through the use of apps. The book discusses several measures for using apps in administrative tasks. Google Doc is something I love using now and I didn't know there was an app for it. This would be an easy way to post class test statistics, and a master calendar. I also am the queen of making to do lists and losing them. This causes me to forget what I wrote, or writing things twice. This would be an easy way for not only my personal checklist, but a class checklist as well.
This web evaluation assessment made me realize how detail oriented great websites are. I never really payed much attention to these details before I did this assignment. I like the collaboration aspect of the wiki, but I honestly hate the formation of the site in general. In just sort of looks confusing, and I'm so used to basic Google doc. I think I will use this in the future by collaborating with other teachers in my department on sharing valuable web sources for relevant information. Next time I could make a much more detailed survey. I now know what to be looking for in a good website 

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Post #2

  Microsoft word was the first thing I learned how to use on a computer. It's been absolutely vital in my education thus far. I've really only ever used word to write papers, or make a newsletter. My teachers in the past have used word to create calendars, the syllabus, and class documents. Other word programs like excel and PowerPoint were used almost daily in instruction and discussion of test scores. 

Copyright was something focused on my collegiate English classes. I dual enrolled these courses in high school so most of the information honestly went over my head. All of my teachers in college use the turn it in website to search for plagiarism. I would probably implement this same strategy in my classroom. Often times these issues can be avoided with clear outlines for what is and is not acceptable as far as using research and calling work your own.

I've always used Twitter as an outlet for socializing and the occasional venting tweet. It's interesting to me that my favorite form of social media would be so beneficial as far as sharing ideas with educational philosophers and peers. I feel I could use Twitter a lot in my career as a tool to share information with my students, and parents. One of my teachers in high school had an extra credit point system that was focused on Twitter and Instagram. This would also help as far as networking with my coworkers on school events and goals for the semester.

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Post #1

As time progresses technology is becoming more and more prominent in our society. Students today were born into a life of computers and have typically used them since a young age. Technology had become a second language in our school system, and is seen as a vital role in the learning, and blooming of student potential. So vital in fact that the U.S Department of Education granted funding to schools across the country to afford technology implementation in their classrooms. Students now are using technology to do homework, take tests, and even to exercise creativity. The only matter presented in this chapter that I don't particularly favor is that things should be computer graded. Not only do I think this could lead to errors which would involve checking things twice, but as a student I prefer to see comments and marks from my teacher if I get something incorrect.

Of all of the ISTE standards presented I really enjoyed the one about facilitating learning and creativity. Far too often I think people forget how necessary creativity and self expression is in formative years. This is particularly true in older students. I found it very therapeutic in high school when I could throw my personal self into my work. This made me feel more attached to my studies, and even more successful. I think that kids today would benefit greatly learning how to efficiently and properly use technology, however I do not believe they should be forced to learn "digital etiquette".

When I think of the term "digital native" I think of someone who knows all the ins and outs of technology. This at least for me is defined as someone who has seasoned experience with technology and can use most all of it. Therefore I do not think this is an accurate description of today's youth. I myself don't really know what I'm doing so I wouldn't want to be referred to as a native. I wouldn't call myself a local if I studied abroad for a semester. I hope that one day I feel comfortable enough with technology to really use it to benefit my students and to foster potential with technology in creative ways to maximize learning abilities.

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Blog #0

 My prior experience with technology is limited to say the least. In high school, one of my worst subjects was our IT course. I find it kind of difficult to remember all of the small steps that go into using computers and other types of technology. To be honest, this kind of makes me dislike using technology. I'd rather send an email on my phone than on a computer. I do however love using smart boards, and find interactive technology pretty helpful when it comes to learning, and teaching.
  I hope this class can teach me to have a better relationship with technology, and to use it effectively. I want to learn to really appreciate all of the technological advances we have available as educators. I'm also interested in learning what programs I could use in the future to better convey information to my students. I also want to know if i actually like blogging because it is something I've always thought about doing.

         After taking the learning styles test, I realized that my learning style has not changed much over time. I took a similar style test in a previous psych class back home and got almost the same results. As far as visual and verbal learning, I feel that my preference is subject dependent. I fell pretty even on the scale because there are some situations when I really feel I need to see a visual. I find that linear subject matter is best learned through visuals in my case. More theoretic subjects i recall information better through conversations or debate more than anything else. I believe this is because I learn things intuitively.